Our booking system is simple. You have 2 options. Booking through telephone or E-mail. You need to give us some informations. You must choose a package per person, tell the number of persons, a date when you would like to visit us and your name. Our Schedule is not often too busy so we hope your date will suit for us too!
You can pay with HUF (Hungarian Forint) or Euro, but we can only accept cash!
If you book with phone
You can call us from monday to saturday 10:00AM to 6:00PM. If you choose to book this way you need to give the informations told above, we will record your data into our system and we will call you back in an hour whether the schedule is good or not.
If you book with E-mail
If you book this way, you need to write a short E-mail with the infromations given above, plus you need to give us your phone number. We will answer as soon as we can, but at the latest on the next day.